
Dwight Eisenhower Webquest

  Dwight Eisenhower was the 34th president of the United States. He was the president during the Cold War and Korean war and was known for his accomplishments during. As you go through this WebQuest you will learn more information about Eisenhower.

About Dwight Eisenhower 1 and 2

 This article includes background information of the 34th president of the United States. Read this article and answer the two sets of questions. 1.Before he left office in January of 1961 what did Eisenhower urge for the US to do? 2.What type of policy did he pursue while he was in office?

Interstate Highway System-Eisenhower

 Another important feat of president Eisenhower was when he created and signed for the Interstate Highway System. Read this article and answer the questions listed. 1. When did Eisenhower first gain interest in US highways? 2.According to Senator Gore who was the highway going to be funded through? 3.There were three founders of the Highway System. Who were they?

Dwight Eisenhower Speech "Atoms for Peace"

Click this link to read the speech "Atoms of Peace" 1953. Then answer the questions below.    (read only first page) 1.In his speech why did Eisenhower want to ensure peace with all nations? 2.In the last two paragraph, he is speaking for the United States. When he is saying this what does he say the United States will do?

Importance of Eisenhower 1 and 2

 Read this short article regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957 that was signed but president Eisenhower. This is one of important things he accomplished while he was president. 1.How was the Civil Rights Act of 1957 so impactful? 2.According to the article what all did he Civil Rights Act of 1957 establish?

Army Troops to Little Rock

 During the Civil Rights Act of 1957 Dwight Eisenhower sent army troops to Little Rock. Read this article learn why he did. 1. Why were the army troops sent to the Little Rock? 2. What were the troops there to do?