About Dwight Eisenhower 1 and 2

 This article includes background information of the 34th president of the United States. Read this article and answer the two sets of questions. 


1.Before he left office in January of 1961 what did Eisenhower urge for the US to do?

2.What type of policy did he pursue while he was in office?


  1. 1. maintain an adequate military strength
    2. Within domestic policies, he perused the New Deal and Fair Deal programs, along with helping emphasize a balance budget and helping as many people out of poverty as he could

  2. 1. He wanted to US to preserve our military strength
    2. Continuing on his belief for a reliable military he also focused greatly on the cold war and the use of nuclear weapons as deterrence when regarding foreign policy. For policy within the nation he focused on helping to lower the rates of poverty.


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